The Very First Post

So what is this page going to be about? About leveraging MS Excel knowledge in PPC Search industry.

I will share tips & tricks on various topics – from one-click campaign build up to one-click refreshable reports. The key tool I will be using is Power Query extension for Excel. It is a free extension made by Microsoft capable of processing millions of rows without major performance issues.

***Tip: Have a question? Ask in the comment section below or in this Facebook group. You can also sign up for our free newsletter.***

***Do you feel like you need more help? We can help you with PPC Automation and/or with your reporting under our new project here.***

Now, you maybe asking yourself “Do I need a coding/programming background?”. The answer is “No”. Power Query is very easy to use. If you are an advanced Excel user (e. g. you are able to run VlookUp functions, nested formulas etc.), you will have no issues learning Power Query. The key trick is to be able to efficiently combine all the Power Query features not many people knows about. I don’t have coding/programming background either.

Who are suppposed to be the readers of this blog?

  • PPC proffesionals who don’t have API based tools for running changes in Google AdWords or in Bing Ads.
  • PPC proffesionals who process hundreds thousands of rows in standard Excel on daily basis (bulk bid changes, keywords additions etc.)
  • PPC proffesionals who hate copying & pasting same campaign templates over and over because serial copying leads to making mistakes
  • PPC proffesionals who seek to making their reporting smoother and easily refreshable with one click wihout even opening raw CSV files
  • PPC proffesionals who don’t like building VBA (macro) based tools becuase it is too slow & complicated. (or who simply have no clue how to write VBA)
  • People who hate crashing Excel & running out of RAM 🙂

I will be presenting a new campaign build up via Power Query from scratch while solving all the issues mentioned above. The side product will be a reusable template for future campaign build ups with minor tweaks. Once you are able to build campaigns in Power Query, I will show you how to build a refreshable keyword level reports which will not crash.

Here is a little teaser of Power Query is capable of:

And that’s it for now!

Stay tuned for more posts, grab your Power Query installation here in the meantime.

Thanks for reading!

***Tip: Have a question? Ask in the comment section below or in this Facebook group. You can also sign up for our free newsletter.***

***Do you feel like you need more help? We can help you with PPC Automation and/or with your reporting under our new project here.***

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