New BigQuery UI is Just Bad!

I would never believe I’d say something like this but Snowflake’s UI is terrible but Google is now far worse. Well done, Google!

BigQuery Tabs

Here are several reasons why I think the new UI is just bad:

  1. It’s slow. Far slower than the previous UI. There is like 0.1s lag when you are typing your query.
  2. Tabs everywhere. It’s a plague of tabs! Clicking a table or view name will more often than not open a new tab. After ten minutes, you have no clue which tab is which. I don’t want the tabs to open.
  3. Split tabs make no sense on smaller screens.
  4. Before you write any query, you always have to decide whether you want a New Tab or Split Tab. One extra useless click for people who don’t have extra wide screens.
  5. You can no longer click column names in the table schema which used to be at the bottom of the screen to add new columns into your query. You have to use Split Tabs which are unusable on small screens. What an improvement.
  6. Autocomplete is still not fully functional. Expecting autocomplete to work when typing your CASE? Bad luck!

Just give us an option to disable the STUPID TABS and allow us to show table schema at bottom of the screen again! Please!

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