Make/Integromat Case Study: Email Parser Storing Data to Smartsheets

***Please note that Integromat evolved into Make in February 2022. All content for Integromat is also valid for Make.***

The Problem

A client needed to parse many variables from emails with a conditional logic and store the parsed information as new rows into a Smartsheet.

The Solution

While all the needed services are supported by Integromat, the project turned to be quite complex (well, it always does). The challenges were:

  • There were 2 different email templates coming with a same subject
    • I had to setup a routing procedure to introduce two possible processing routes.
  • The requirement was to parse roughly 30 variables (a set of personal details)
    • Doing this via individual “Match pattern” module would consume quite a lot operations so I had to come up with a solution to parse everything out just with a single module by building a complex regex.
  • The third challenge was the fact the not all valid emails were supposed to be stored in the Smartsheet
    • For example, some items were already present in the Smartsheet so I had to implement various checks in the process so duplicate rows do not get created.
  • Some of the parsed variables needed an extra information to be looked up from a reference table
    • E.g. ZIP codes needed an hourly rate to be matched from a reference table stored in Google Sheets spreadsheet.
  • One email could generate 1 or more new rows in the target Smartsheet
    • I had use the Iterator module based on the incoming variables towards the end of the scenario

The Scenario

This is how the scenario looks:

Emails to Smartsheet with Integromat

Integromat apps used: Webhooks>Custom Mailhook, Router, Match Pattern, Text Aggregator, Smartheets, Gmail, Iterator, Break, Google Sheets


All challenges were successfully resolved and the client no longer has to copy and paste the information from emails into the Smartsheet manually. Not only the automation saves a ton of time but it has also eliminated human errors.

Do you want to replicate this for your business yourself? 

Or looking for someone to build your integrations?

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