Make/Integromat Case Study: How Integromat Replaced 75% of Coding

***Please note that Integromat evolved into Make in February 2022. All content for Integromat is also valid for Make.***

The Problem

A client from health care vertical is running an HHAE instance which is a service which allows the client to manage caregivers and patients on scale. I’m talking about thousands of patient and caregivers. In this project, we were solving the following:

  • Before the end of each month, the client needs to recreate certain objects in the platform for patients who match very specific conditions. It’s not that important what the objects are.
  • On the top of creating the new objects in HHAE, the client also needs to be informed via email about which clients got the new objects when the magic runs.
  • Not only the clients needs an email, he also needs to see a list of the new objects in a spreadsheet app of his choice – a Smartsheet table.
  • And on the top of all that, the client also wants to keep track of future changes done to the new objects in the Smartsheet table.

The main challenge in this project was the fact that Integromat does not support HHAE because it’s a super niche app only accessible from the US. Every time we connect to the UI, we need to use a US VPN. Integromat cannot simulate connections from different countries. So at first, this sounded like a no-go for Integromat. However, after considering all the requirements (mainly the email + Smartsheet), we decided to employ Integromat anyway.

The Solution

We decided to use Integromat for doing everything it could while we had to a little bit of “true coding” for getting raw data from HHAE and then uploading the new objects prepared by Integromat back to HHAE. Essentially, we created 2 systems which nicely co-exist and talk to each other via webhooks.

This is the process when the final “magic” runs:

  1. A real piece of code running on our server extracts data from HHAE and passes the raw data (JSON) to an Integromat webhook.
  2. Integromat parses the incoming data and:
    1. Filters it down by super specific conditions.
    2. Creates the new objects.
    3. Updates existing rows in the Smartsheet if changes are found since the last run.
    4. Passes the new objects (again – a JSON) to a webhook living on our server which pushes the data to HHAE.
  3. Once our server processes the data in HHAE, it pings back another Integromat scenario with results of all the operations.
  4. Integromat parses the results and sends an overview email to the client plus it stores the results into the Smartsheet table.

We spent more time on testing how Integromat and our server work together. The Integromat scenario creation and code writing was less than 50% time of the project.

The Scenarios

As already mentioned, the majority of the solution is driven by 2 Integromat scenarios. The first one does the heavy lifting (filtering, creation, looking for changes…), the second scenario is only listening for results from create operations and sending emails/storing results into the Smartsheet.

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This project shows Integromat builders and true programmers can co-exist very well. Combining traditional coding and an advanced knowledge of Integromat allowed us to move quickly because we did not have to study APIs of Gmail/Smartsheet (create API connections, learn all the methods…). The only true coding was just the data extraction from HHAE and push of the new objects to HHAE. Everything else was done by Integromat.

My estimate is that we were able to deliver the solution about 3-4x faster thanks to employing Integromat to do the heavy lifting.

Do you want to replicate this for your business yourself? 

Or looking for someone to build your integrations?

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